Future of Parenting; Raising Resilient Children Babies through Adults
Parenting with Naomi Aldort: Future of Parenting; Raising Resilient Children Babies through Adults
From education to bedtime, car rides, why not to praise, and much more:
- Naomi’as path towards her parenting work
- From a piano teacher to helping children emotionally
- How children choose hobbies and learning skills
- The self-directed child
- Timing in developing talent
- Naomi’s musical children’s beginning
- How to protect the child’s autonomous choice
- The child’s self-discipline about practice
- A child who wishes to quit lessons of any skill
Are parents servants?
- Why you should work on yourself rather than teach
- your child to ajust to your emotional limitations
- Peaceful home comes from respecting children
Who leads the child’s direction for peaceful home?
- But my child will do nothing if not managed
- The case against coersion
- If your child lost self-direction, teens specially
- Learning can only occur in freedom
- Why to avoid praise and rewards
- Manipulation harms a child’s behavior
More in this interview:
Be the clearning for your child, not their boss
Making the transition from control to respect
Best conditions for a child to be self-motivated
Will they succeed in life without schooling?
Bedtime with toddler: from 2 hours to instant sleep
Bedtime with 6 year old who refuses to go to bed
Your child behavior is not about you
Car rides, having to go on time
Diaper change time to connect
Good behavior not for getting approval
Restaurant and theater with children
Setup rather than control
The cause of anxiety in children and teenagers
On being imperfect parent
Why you should work on yourself
Giving yourself a second change when you do it wrong
Naomi’s magic words to your child in tough moments
When you are angry
When your child triggers you
Parent care
Child rooted in herself
Nurture the child’s independence
Naomi provides guidance on all parenting and family issues, babies through teens
Attachment Parenting • Toddlers • Children’s Behavior • When Babies Cry • Breastfeeding • Home-Schooling • Child’s Aggression • Teenagers • Child’s Sleep • Bed-time • Parenting without scolding or yelling • Cooperation without bribes or threats • Cooperation without time-out or punishment • Tantrums • Siblings Rivalry • Your Child’s Talents • Healing a Child’s Trauma • Child’s Speech • Parent’s needs • Marriage • Unsupportive relatives • Your in-laws • and much more.