“Just want to say thanks again, dear lady, for the grand gifts I have received from you through our phone sessions. I often thank God for you.”
A mother in DC
“Transforming Parent-Child relationships from reaction and struggle to freedom, power and joy”

Naomi Aldort is the author of the best seller, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, (published in 20 languages). Through Zoom/Phone/Skype sessions, workshops and speaking events she brings peace and deep connection to families and audiences world wide.
Her guidance is not about gentle ways to control a child, but about how to have peace without having to control and raise emotionally resilient and powerful people. It is about a way of being and of understanding our children so they can do their best, not because they fear us or seek our approval, but because they want to, of their own free will.
Naomi Aldort brings peace and clarity to difficult situations, as well as to ordinary parenting issues from birth and infancy through adulthood, including education, home schooling, marriage, and whole family solutions.
Her SALVE communication formula has been praised as providing the best of The Work of Byron Katie and Nonviolent Communication combined, and more.
Naomi Aldort addresses all subjects related to parenting of all ages, emotional,
behavioral, self-directed learning, as well as the needs of parents, marriage and more.
including and not limited to:
- Understanding your child’s behavior and resolving difficulties.
- Attachment Parenting
- Baby’s crying
- Breastfeeding
- Sleep
- Tantrums, aggression, defiance, anger
- Cooperation without coercion, threats or praise
- Sibling rivalry
- Nurturing Emotional resilience
- Health and food
- Education and home schooling
- Special situation of all kinds
- Anxiety, depression, teens
- Post partum depression
- Emotional and behavioral issues
- Relatives
And much much more. No problem too small, no issue too difficult.
To book a session with Naomi