Naomi Aldort raised her three sons without schooling. All three graduated from universities with excellence.
Naomi shares a wealth of helpful information and discusses many topics on how homeschooling and different methods of guiding our children into happily learning of their own will can be beneficial for all.
Homeschooling • Unschooling • Democratic School • Children’s Play • Child’s Emotions • Talking to Kids about and Sex • Tiger Mother • Learning to Read • Harm of Praise • Harm of Rewards • Self-Directed Learning • Child’s Social Skills • Child’s Talents • Child’s Self-Esteem • Learning Math and much more.


Watch a 2 hours web class video about unschooling. In the “deep“ classes Naomi speaks briefly and works with individual parents on their questions, doing deep inquiry designed to free the self from limiting thoughts about particular issues.
Naomi has been a keynote speaker at many homeschooling and unschooling conferences worldwide, including AERO, Rethinking Education, Canada homeschooling organization, as well as groups in Europe and Australia. Her articles and advice columns about homeschooling, music, self-directed learning, and parenting have been published in magazines internationally.
Naomi offers advice on unschooling and homeschooling as well as on alternative school options and all parenting issues. Her guidance is flexible and accommodating to family and children’s special situations and needs. She also recommends alternative schools when needed, the democratic schools, Reggio Emilia, and other schools that respect the child’s inner guide.
Media Exposure and Child’s Autonomy in Homeschooling

Balancing media exposure and the child’s autonomy in homeschooling. This question is answered in this 42-minute discussion.
Available in MP3 download.

“Trusting Our Children Trusting Ourselves“
(Please note, this CD set is not the same as the book, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves)
This comprehensive, indispensable 7 CD set contains six keynotes given by Naomi Aldort at the unschooling/homeschooling conference, Rethinking Education in Dallas, Texas. It covers practically all the major parenting and self-directed learning issues in one amazing package.
- Disc 1: Rethinking Education: Debunking common assumptions about child development.
- Disc 2: Part 1 – Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves Part I: Bring peace and unconditional love into your relationship with your children by understanding your own reaction as different from your child’s needs.
- Disc 2: Part 2 – Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves Part II.
- Disc 3: Debunking Praise: Find out why you really praise and at what price.
- Disc 4: Children’s Behavior and Emotions: Includes many questions from audience members, and Aldort’s skillful guidance about understanding children so they can be the best of themselves.
- Disc 5: Self-Directed Learning: Why children learn best when they follow their own path, timetable, and direction, and how to support them toward their own fulfillment.
- Disc 6: Equality, Respect, and Freedom for Children: From chores to bedtime and dinner; how to live with children in a way that they care and respond, not out of fear, but out of joy and love, of their own free will.